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Cornea and Anterior Chamber

Eye Redness

Among the five senses, the largest area of cerebral cortex is allocated to vision which is probably the most important means of communication with the outside world for human beings. In order to correctly perceive images, health of the…

Corneal and Conjunctival foreign bodies

The most common foreign bodies that enter the eye include small particles of metal, wood or dust. Some conditions, such as windy weather, carpentry or industrial work, gardening, or some special sports, increase the risk of…

Herpes Simplex Eye Infections

Herpes Simplex Virus is a very common virus that affects the skin, mucus, nervous system and eye. There are two types of the virus: Type I is the same type that produces herpes and can also affect the eye, and type II is transmitted…

Subconjunctival Hemorrhage

What is Subconjunctival Hemorrhage? The conjunctiva is a transparent protective layer covering the inner surface of the eyelids and the white of the eye. There are a large number of tiny blood vessels, white blood cells and…

Eye Allergies

For most people, spring is a beautiful and pleasant season. But if you suffer from itchy eyes and excessive tearing every time this season comes and others often ask you why your eyes are red, you probably will not be happy for…

Pterygium (Surfer’s Eye)

Pterygium is a triangular lesion extended from the white of the eye (the conjunctiva) onto the black part of the eye (the cornea). This lesion is due to benign growth of conjunctival vessels and tissues. Pterygium usually starts…

Dry Eye Syndrome

 Dry eye is one of the most common reasons making people visit eye clinics. This syndrome, which is the result of change in the tear quality or quantity, can affect all age groups, but its occurrence is higher among the elderly. Moreover,…

Chemical Eye Injuries

Chemical eye injuries often occur, and can range from a mild eye injury to loss of vision or even loss of the eye. Among the substances that can cause chemical eye injuries, they are disinfectants, solvents, cosmetics, diluent…

Conjunctivitis or conjuctival inflammation

Conjunctiva is a thin, transparent membrane that covers the white part of the eye and the inner surface of the eyelids. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of this membrane that can be infectious or noninfectious.Types of…